There would be no Parish Plan without the contribution of the 400+ village residents who gave their views and opinions at the Village Conference and through the village surveys. Over a hundred people helped in some way with the Conference, and since then a group of nearly forty residents have worked in ‘Action Groups’ to develop plans. Members of the Parish Plan Steering Group have contributed many hours of their time, as have the Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors. Keith Reed produced the Plan using contributions from Action Groups.

The success of the Village Conference was to a large extent due to the help we were given by Pathways Consultants.  Thank you, May, Jane and Caroline, for your advice and enthusiastic support throughout this process. The Countryside Agency provided £3000 of funding to pay for preparation, consultation, and printing costs, and for the work of Pathways Consultants.

Our thanks to all who have contributed views, time, skills, or funding.

This is a ‘working document’. Some aims have been achieved already, and some will change as they develop. The Parish Plan will inform the future work of the Parish Council and Action Groups, and we commend it to you.

John Eden,
Chairman, Silverdale Parish Council

June Greenwell,
Chair, Parish Plan Steering Group